Some of you may know that a while back I wrote that I was worried Gaga wouldn’t be in India. Good news- she does release her singles in India, just a month or so late. If you haven’t seen this epic video, please indulge your eyes, don’t worry, I went for the ‘non explicit version’.

Okay, in all honesty- I am not sure I like that this video makes it across the global airwaves, though I would not expect less. It’s got lots of half naked women, namely Lady Gaga in all her girly glory. They say this is to prove she’s a woman. I don’t think women should feel the need to run around naked to prove their femininity. I don’t think Gaga is good for girls- her videos are lewd and hyper sexual. Such is our culture. I wonder how much of this I’ll see in India… for a country with  high moral codes for dress, I hear those are beginning to lighten.

I found this image of Bangalore from a blog– he write of it,

“Explaining such a picture to some new visitors to India has proven to me one of the most difficult pieces as it runs with the biggest possible contradiction. On the scale from 1 to 10 in rating India’s openness to talk about sex in public, I’ll give it a straight 1. There is hardly any more prudish country in the world. Yet, in a layer that is so far away from reality that it is impossible to conceive, almost everything goes. Take Bollywood where you have beautiful, sexy half naked woman dancing under the rain-machine.”

Interesting. I wonder, when do we lose our culture to the influx of sexual videos and suggestive images? What will we tell our children our childhoods were like? What is our culture anyways? Are we just hyper-sexual beings who can’t get enough?

Things to think about.

Gaga info from Yahoo News source.